To be held by zoom on 

19.00 Wednesday 15th June 2022 

(zoom details will be included with the proper agenda)



The accounts are available from the Hon Secretary via email. Please contact michellejmorgan@gmail.comwith Accounts requested in the subject line. The webmaster has been asked to post them to the website along with the Society Rules. Should the rules not be posted in time, the relevant AGM rule is posted here:

The purpose of the meeting is to receive the report of The Committee and Certified Accounts and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the Agenda of which 7 days written notice has been given to the Secretary. Members will receive not less than 14 days’ notice of the AGM. Notice of the AGM is to include a draft Agenda and details of which Officers and Members of the Committee are resigning and who are offering themselves for re-election. Copies of the minutes of the previous AGM and Certified Accounts will be available at the AGM or by request from the Secretary. 


No business shall be transacted at the AGM unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda with the exception of routine matters, or those which in the opinion of the Chairman are urgent.


The Rules of The Society may not be altered except at an AGM or Special General Meeting notice of which includes details of the proposal to alter the Rules. 


If any member has any proposal for inclusion on the agenda please forward it to the Hon Secretary with a seconder by 7th June 2022.


1.         Apologies for Absence

2.         Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting

3.         Matters Arising

4.         Chairman’s Report

5.         Treasurer’s Report 

6.         Retriever Secretary’s Report 

7.          Spaniel Secretary’s Report

8.         Membership Report

9.         Show Report

10.       Election of Officers:

*Hon Secretary has retired. Ms. Michelle Morgan offers herself for re-election. 

(Rule 2 of our constitution states “OFFICERS & MEMBERS: The management of the Society shall be in the hands of a Committee of 18 Members and 4 Officers; 6 of the 18 Members shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election.  The Officers shall consist of a non-voting President, and a Chairman, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer, all three of whom shall be fully voting Members of the Committee (the Chairman to have an additional casting vote.) One Officer shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election)

11.       Election of Main Committee Members

The following does not seek re-election: Mrs. A Holland

(The election of Officers and Committee shall be by ballot at the A.G.M.  Any nominations for new Officers and new Members of the Committee must be in the hands of the Secretary 7 days before the A.G.M.)

The following retire and seek re-election: Mark Clifford, Sue Hodson, Anthony Burke, Anthony Allen, Kate Bradnock

12.       Subscriptions – Recommendation from the Committee

13.       Reimbursement of Out of Pocket Expenses – Recommendation from the Committee

14.       Election of Certified Accountant

15.        Any Other Business at the discretion of the Chairman.